Contact Us

General inquiries

t 217.244.9934
f 217.333.9574

Office hours

Monday-Thursday: 9am–4pm
Friday: 9am–12pm

Please note that office hours are not open hours for visitors. Please see the FAQ below regarding visits to Japan House. Thank you.

Getting to Japan House

Frequently Asked Questions

When is Japan House open to the public?

When are tea ceremonies held?

How much does a tea ceremony cost?

How do I make a reservation for the tea ceremony?

What happens during a tea ceremony?

What should I wear to a tea ceremony?

What if I can’t kneel on the tatami mats or have physical limitations?

Can I schedule a tea ceremony at some other time, or bring a group?

Can children take part in the tea ceremony?

When are the gardens open?

When do the cherry trees bloom?